As a popular type of plant machinery, rollers are invaluable to businesses across various industries. Available to hire, rollers can help make several stages in a project run smoothly and efficiently. In this simple guide, you can discover everything you need to know about roller hires, from the benefits of hiring to the types available.
About Rollers
Rollers are typically used to compact materials, helping to create a stable foundation or surface. This compaction process is vital for ensuring the longevity and integrity of structures and roadways. Common materials that rollers can compact include soil, gravel and asphalt, ensuring to completely flatten materials and remove any pockets of air.
Common applications of rollers can include:
● Driveway construction
● Road repairs and resurfacing
● Foundation preparation
● Landscaping and ground leveling
The Benefits of Roller Hires
Roller hires are valuable plant equipment to have on a project site as they offer various benefits and advantages. For example, as a type of specialised equipment, a roller hire can make compaction tasks fast, while still resulting in a strong and stable surface.
By hiring a roller instead of purchasing one outright, you can also save money. A roller hire offers cost-effectiveness, as you aren’t required to pay a large sum upfront and there are no maintenance or storage costs associated.
Single Drum Rollers vs. Double Drum Rollers
When choosing a roller to hire, you will likely need to decide between a single drum roller and a double drum roller. This section will explain the key differences and benefits of both, helping you to make an informed decision when arranging plant hires for your next project.
Single Drum Rollers
These rollers are designed with a single drum, positioned toward the front of the plant machine. This design is great for easy movement, making them ideal for projects where a roller is needed in a tight space, such as trenches. Single drum rollers are particularly beneficial for compacting soil and granular materials, and can work well on uneven surfaces.
Double Drum Rollers
Double drum rollers are equipped with two drums, with one at the front and one at the rear. Both of the drums can offer compaction, which makes them highly efficient and require fewer passes over a surface than a single drum roller might. These types of rollers are particularly suited to large-scale projects, such as commercial builds.
Plant Hire Services in Cornwall
Ready to hire a roller for your next construction project? At P R Weldhen, we are trusted suppliers of plant machinery hires in Cornwall. We have a range of rollers to offer, including tandem, vibrating, and pedestrian rollers. Additionally, our rollers are available in both self-drive and operated options, offering you full flexibility when hiring one of our machines. To learn more about us and our plant hires, simply visit our website or contact us directly today.