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P. R. Weldhen

Three Ways to Use Recycled Aggregates in Construction

Aggregates are widely used materials in the construction industry. They can be produced from various raw materials ranging in coarseness, including sand, gravel and crushed stone. 

With the global focus on sustainability being more present than ever, many construction companies are now choosing to use recycled aggregates in their construction, rather than exploiting raw materials and contributing to harmful emissions in their production. Recycled aggregates are simply the reuse and repurposing of other construction materials (e.g. crushed concrete).

Here are three of the ways that recycled aggregates can be used in construction.


On a basic level, cement typically consists of three key ingredients:

  1. Cement powder (commonly crushed limestone)

  2. Sand

  3. Water

However, in order to reinforce the cement (for example, if you wish to make strong concrete) aggregates are often added into the mix, as well. Recycled aggregates make a great addition to cement in order to increase the strength and durability of the resulting concrete once it has been  poured.

Furthermore, since sand is a key ingredient of cement, this too can be incorporated using recycled sand, as this is considered an aggregate.

Cement made with recycled aggregates is commonly used as a base layer in many construction projects, such as for roads, pavements or car parks, since they are able to withstand constant use and heavy weights.


In many construction projects, topsoil (the uppermost layer of protective soil that is full of nutrients) is stripped from the ground in order to progress with their building project. However, in some construction projects this precious topsoil is very much needed.

Construction sites known as brownfield development sites (sites where land was once used for industry but now lies redundant and empty) will recycle this topsoil by adding it to their site in order to protect and enrich the struggling soil that has been left behind from where buildings were atop it for so long. This is done after any contamination has been removed from the ground, first.

This then allows brownfield sites to be redeveloped for a new purpose, such as new home builds, with better quality soil that will allow grass to grow and eventually thrive again.

Concrete Driveways

As we’ve mentioned already, recycled aggregates can be used to make concrete, including concrete that is used for driveways. There is, however, a specific style of driveway that can especially benefit from the use of recycled aggregates.

What sort of driveway is it, you ask? One using an exposed aggregate concrete finish. Exposed aggregate concrete is when the top layer of cement is removed before it has fully set, exposing the aggregates that lay within, before being sealed. This creates a more decorative finish for a driveway that is not only strong, but offers better traction for cars thanks to the uneven surface.

This is a great way to repurpose recycled aggregates, and they can even incorporate other materials such as recycled coloured glass for extra visual appeal.

Aggregate Suppliers Near Me

Are you looking for high-quality aggregates near you? P. R. Weldhen offers premium aggregate delivery direct to your door.

Whether you need them for a DIY driveway reconstruction, or are a tradesperson who works in construction, our quality aggregates are available at a great price for both domestic and commercial customers alike.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements.

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